Welcome to Calour

Calour is a python module for processing, analysis and interactive exploration of microbiome (and other matrix form data), incorporating external databases.

We recommend using calour inside a jupyter notebook environment.

For a full graphical user interface (point and click - no python skills needed), you can use EZCalour.

Things you can do with Calour

  • Read and write micrbiome data (biom tables, qiime2 tables), metabolomics data (MS1 or MS2 bucket tables) or any tabular data, along with associated sample/feature metadata files and associated feature phylogenetic tree.
  • Normalize, filter, reorder and cluster your data.
  • Permutation based differential abundance testing with powerful dsFDR correction.
  • Interactive heatmap plotting withh convenient zoom, pan, multiple feature selection and information about selected feature/sequence
  • Integration with databases (dbBact, phenoDB, SpongeEMP for microbiome data, GNPS for metabolomics) enables viewing and statistical analysis of database information about the experiment features.

Installing Calour

You can install Calour locally following the instructions.

You can also try Calour (without installing) on an online mybinder server.

Indices and tables