filtering (calour.filtering)


filter_by_data(exp, predicate[, axis, …]) Filter samples or features by the data matrix.
filter_by_metadata(exp, field, select[, …]) Filter samples or features by metadata.
filter_samples(exp, field, values[, negate, …]) Shortcut for filtering samples.
filter_ids(exp, ids[, axis, negate, inplace]) Filter samples or features based on a list IDs.
filter_prevalence(exp, fraction[, cutoff, field]) Filter features keeping only ones present in more than certain fraction of all samples.
filter_abundance(exp[, cutoff]) Filter features with sum abundance across all samples less than the cutoff.
filter_mean_abundance(exp[, cutoff, field]) Filter features with a mean at least cutoff of the mean total abundance/sample
filter_sample_categories(exp, field[, …]) Filter sample categories that have too few samples.
downsample(exp, field[, axis, num_keep, …]) Downsample the data set.
is_abundant(data, axis[, cutoff, strict, …]) Check if the mean or sum abundance larger than cutoff.
is_prevalent(data, axis[, cutoff, fraction]) Check the prevalent of values above the cutoff.
freq_ratio(x[, ratio]) the ratio of the counts of the most common value to the second most common value
unique_cut(x[, unique]) the percentage of distinct values out of the length of x.