Using Calour functions via the module and the Experiment class

Calour contains functions that operate on the Experiment (or its child classes) object. They can be called in two manners equivalently:

  1. called as normal functions with an Experiment object as first parameter;
  2. called as a method upon the Experiment object.

For example:

>>> from calour import Experiment
>>> exp = Experiment(np.array([[1,2], [3, 4]]), sparse=False,
...                  sample_metadata=pd.DataFrame({'category': ['A', 'B'],
...                                                'ph': [6.6, 7.7]},
...                                               index=['s1', 's2']),
...                  feature_metadata=pd.DataFrame({'motile': ['y', 'n']}, index=['otu1', 'otu2']))

Let’s filter samples:

>>> new1 = exp.filter_samples('category', 'A')
>>> new1
data dimension: 1 samples, 2 features
sample IDs: Index(['s1'], dtype='object')
feature IDs: Index(['otu1', 'otu2'], dtype='object')

Equivalently, we can filter in this way:

>>> from calour.filtering import filter_samples
>>> new2 = filter_samples(exp, 'category', 'A')
>>> new2
data dimension: 1 samples, 2 features
sample IDs: Index(['s1'], dtype='object')
feature IDs: Index(['otu1', 'otu2'], dtype='object')
>>> new1 == new2