machine learning (

This module contains the functions related to machine learning.


SortedStratifiedKFold([n_splits, shuffle, …]) Stratified K-Fold cross validator.
RepeatedSortedStratifiedKFold([n_splits, …]) Repeated Stratified K-Fold cross validator.


classify(exp, fields, estimator[, cv, …]) Evaluate classification during cross validation.
plot_cm(result[, normalize, title, cmap, …]) Plot confusion matrix
plot_roc(result[, classes, title, cv, cmap, ax]) Plot ROC curve.
plot_prc(result[, classes, title, cmap, ax]) Plot precision-recall curve.
regress(exp, field, estimator[, cv, params]) Evaluate regression during cross validation.
plot_scatter(result[, title, cmap, cor, cv, ax]) Plot prediction vs.
add_sample_metadata_as_features(exp, fields) Add covariates from sample metadata to the data table as features for machine learning.