Source code for gneiss.plot._radial

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2016--, gneiss development team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import pandas as pd
from gneiss.plot._dendrogram import UnrootedDendrogram

    from bokeh.models.glyphs import Circle, Segment
    from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataRange1d, Plot
    from bokeh.models import HoverTool, BoxZoomTool, ResetTool
except ImportError:
    raise ImportWarning('Bokeh not installed. '
                        '`radialplot` will not be available')

[docs]def radialplot(tree, node_color='node_color', node_size='node_size', node_alpha='node_alpha', edge_color='edge_color', edge_alpha='edge_alpha', edge_width='edge_width', hover_var='hover_var', figsize=(500, 500), **kwargs): """ Plots unrooted radial tree. Parameters ---------- tree : instance of skbio.TreeNode Input tree for plotting. node_color : str Name of variable in `tree` to color nodes. node_size : str Name of variable in `tree` that specifies the radius of nodes. node_alpha : str Name of variable in `tree` to specify node transparency. edge_color : str Name of variable in `tree` to color edges. edge_alpha : str Name of variable in `tree` to specify edge transparency. edge_width : str Name of variable in `tree` to specify edge width. hover_var : str Name of variable in `tree` to display in the hover menu. figsize : tuple, int Size of resulting figure. default: (500, 500) **kwargs: dict Plotting options to pass into bokeh.models.Plot Returns ------- bokeh.models.Plot Interactive plotting instance. Notes ----- This assumes that the tree is strictly bifurcating. See also -------- bifurcate """ # This entire function was motivated by # t = UnrootedDendrogram.from_tree(tree) nodes = t.coords(figsize[0], figsize[1]) # fill in all of the node attributes def _retreive(tree, x, default): return pd.Series({ getattr(n, x, default) for n in tree.levelorder()}) # default node color to light grey nodes[node_color] = _retreive(t, node_color, default='#D3D3D3') nodes[node_size] = _retreive(t, node_size, default=1) nodes[node_alpha] = _retreive(t, node_alpha, default=1) nodes[hover_var] = _retreive(t, hover_var, default=None) edges = nodes[['child0', 'child1']] edges = edges.dropna(subset=['child0', 'child1']) edges = edges.unstack() edges = pd.DataFrame({'src_node': edges.index.get_level_values(1), 'dest_node': edges.values}) edges['x0'] = [nodes.loc[n].x for n in edges.src_node] edges['x1'] = [nodes.loc[n].x for n in edges.dest_node] edges['y0'] = [nodes.loc[n].y for n in edges.src_node] edges['y1'] = [nodes.loc[n].y for n in edges.dest_node] ns = [ for n in t.levelorder(include_self=True)] attrs = pd.DataFrame(index=ns) # default edge color to black attrs[edge_color] = _retreive(t, edge_color, default='#000000') attrs[edge_width] = _retreive(t, edge_width, default=1) attrs[edge_alpha] = _retreive(t, edge_alpha, default=1) edges = pd.merge(edges, attrs, left_on='dest_node', right_index=True, how='outer') edges = edges.dropna(subset=['src_node']) node_glyph = Circle(x="x", y="y", radius=node_size, fill_color=node_color, fill_alpha=node_alpha) edge_glyph = Segment(x0="x0", y0="y0", x1="x1", y1="y1", line_color=edge_color, line_alpha=edge_alpha, line_width=edge_width) def df2ds(df): return ColumnDataSource(ColumnDataSource.from_df(df)) ydr = DataRange1d(range_padding=0.05) xdr = DataRange1d(range_padding=0.05) plot = Plot(x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, **kwargs) plot.add_glyph(df2ds(edges), edge_glyph) ns = plot.add_glyph(df2ds(nodes), node_glyph) tooltip = [ ("Feature ID", "@index") ] if hover_var is not None: tooltip += [(hover_var, "@" + hover_var)] hover = HoverTool(renderers=[ns], tooltips=tooltip) plot.add_tools(hover, BoxZoomTool(), ResetTool()) return plot