function($, _, util) {
var naturalSort = util.naturalSort;
* @class Plottable
* Represents a sample and the associated metadata in the ordination space.
* @param {string} name A string indicating the name of the sample.
* @param {string[]} metadata An Array of strings with the metadata values.
* @param {float[]} coordinates An Array of floats indicating the position in
* space where this sample is located.
* @param {integer} [idx = -1] An integer representing the index where the
* object is located in a DecompositionModel.
* @param {float[]} [ci = []] An array of floats indicating the confidence
* intervals in each dimension.
* @return {Plottable}
* @constructs Plottable
function Plottable(name, metadata, coordinates, idx, ci) {
* Sample name.
* @type {string}
*/ = name;
* Metadata values for the sample.
* @type {string[]}
this.metadata = metadata;
* Position of the sample in the N-dimensional space.
* @type {float[]}
this.coordinates = coordinates;
* The index of the sample in the array of meshes.
* @type {integer}
this.idx = idx === undefined ? -1 : idx;
* Confidence intervals.
* @type {float[]}
*/ = ci === undefined ? [] : ci;
if ( !== 0) {
if ( !== this.coordinates.length) {
throw new Error("The number of confidence intervals doesn't match " +
'with the number of dimensions in the coordinates ' +
'attribute. coords: ' + this.coordinates.length +
' ci: ' +;
* Helper method to convert a Plottable into a string.
* @return {string} A string describing the Plottable object.
Plottable.prototype.toString = function() {
var ret = 'Sample: ' + + ' located at: (' +
this.coordinates.join(', ') + ') metadata: [' +
this.metadata.join(', ') + ']';
if (this.idx === -1) {
ret = ret + ' without index';
else {
ret = ret + ' at index: ' + this.idx;
if ( === 0) {
ret = ret + ' and without confidence intervals.';
else {
ret = ret + ' and with confidence intervals at (' +', ') +
return ret;
* @class DecompositionModel
* Models all the ordination data to be plotted.
* @param {object} data An object with the following attributes (keys):
* - `name` A string containing the abbreviated name of the
* ordination method.
* - `ids` An array of strings where each string is a sample
* identifier
* - `coords` A 2D Array of floats where each row contains the
* coordinates of a sample. The rows are in ids order.
* - `names` A 1D Array of strings where each element is the name of one of
* the dimensions in the model.
* - `pct_var` An Array of floats where each position contains
* the percentage explained by that axis
* - `low` A 1D Array of floats where each row contains the
* coordinates of a sample. The rows are in ids order.
* - `high` A 1D Array of floats where each row contains the
* coordinates of a sample. The rows are in ids order.
* @param {float[]} md_headers An Array of string where each string is a
* metadata column header
* @param {string[]} metadata A 2D Array of strings where each row contains
* the metadata values for a given sample. The rows are in ids order. The
* columns are in `md_headers` order.
* @throws {Error} In any of the following cases:
* - The number of coordinates does not match the number of samples.
* - If there's a coordinate in `coords` that doesn't have the same length as
* the rest.
* - The number of samples is different than the rows provided as metadata.
* - Not all metadata rows have the same number of fields.
* @return {DecompositionModel}
* @constructs DecompositionModel
function DecompositionModel(data, md_headers, metadata, type) {
var coords = data.coordinates, ci = || [];
* Model's type of the data, can be either 'scatter' or 'arrow'
* @type {string}
this.type = type || 'scatter';
var num_coords;
* Abbreviated name of the ordination method used to create the data.
* @type {string}
this.abbreviatedName = || '';
* List of sample name identifiers.
* @type {string[]}
this.ids = data.sample_ids;
* Percentage explained by each of the axes in the ordination.
* @type {float[]}
this.percExpl = data.percents_explained;
* Column names for the metadata in the samples.
* @type {string[]}
this.md_headers = md_headers;
if (coords === undefined) {
throw new Error('Coordinates are required to initialize this object.');
Check that the number of coordinates set provided are the same as the
number of samples
if (this.ids.length !== coords.length) {
throw new Error('The number of coordinates differs from the number of ' +
'samples. Coords: ' + coords.length + ' samples: ' +
Check that all the coords set have the same number of coordinates
num_coords = coords[0].length;
var res = _.find(coords, function(c) {return c.length !== num_coords;});
if (res !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Not all samples have the same number of coordinates');
Check that we have the percentage explained values for all coordinates
if (this.percExpl.length !== num_coords) {
throw new Error('The number of percentage explained values does not ' +
'match the number of coordinates. Perc expl: ' +
this.percExpl.length + ' Num coord: ' + num_coords);
Check that we have the metadata for all samples
if (this.ids.length !== metadata.length) {
throw new Error('The number of metadata rows and the the number of ' +
'samples do not match. Samples: ' + this.ids.length +
' Metadata rows: ' + metadata.length);
Check that we have all the metadata categories in all rows
res = _.find(metadata, function(m) {
return m.length !== md_headers.length;
if (res !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Not all metadata rows have the same number of values');
this.plottable = new Array(this.ids.length);
for (i = 0; i < this.ids.length; i++) {
// note that ci[i] can be empty
this.plottable[i] = new Plottable(this.ids[i], metadata[i], coords[i], i,
// use slice to make a copy of the array so we can modify it
* Minimum and maximum values for each axis in the ordination. More
* concretely this object has a `min` and a `max` attributes, each with a
* list of floating point arrays that describe the minimum and maximum for
* each axis.
* @type {Object}
this.dimensionRanges = {'min': coords[0].slice(),
'max': coords[0].slice()};
this.dimensionRanges = _.reduce(this.plottable,
* Number of plottables in this decomposition model
* @type {integer}
this.length = this.plottable.length;
* Number of dimensions in this decomposition model
* @type {integer}
this.dimensions = this.dimensionRanges.min.length;
* Names of the axes in the ordination
* @type {string[]}
this.axesNames = data.axes_names === undefined ? [] : data.axes_names;
// We call this after all the other attributes have been initialized so we
// can use that information safely. Fixes a problem with the ordination
// file format, see
* Array of pairs of Plottable objects.
* @type {Array[]}
this.edges = this._processEdgeList(data.edges || []);
* Whether or not the plottables have confidence intervals
* @return {Boolean} `true` if the plottables have confidence intervals,
* `false` otherwise.
DecompositionModel.prototype.hasConfidenceIntervals = function() {
if (this.plottable.length <= 0) {
return false;
else if (this.plottable[0].ci.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Retrieve the plottable object with the given id.
* @param {string} id A string with the plottable.
* @return {Plottable} The plottable object for the given id.
DecompositionModel.prototype.getPlottableByID = function(id) {
idx = this.ids.indexOf(id);
if (idx === -1) {
throw new Error(id + ' is not found in the Decomposition Model ids');
return this.plottable[idx];
* Retrieve all the plottable objects with the given ids.
* @param {integer[]} idArray an Array of strings where each string is a
* plottable id.
* @return {Plottable[]} An Array of plottable objects for the given ids.
DecompositionModel.prototype.getPlottableByIDs = function(idArray) {
dm = this;
return, function(id) {return dm.getPlottableByID(id);});
* Helper function that returns the index of a given metadata category.
* @param {string} category A string with the metadata header.
* @return {integer} An integer representing the index of the metadata
* category in the `md_headers` array.
DecompositionModel.prototype._getMetadataIndex = function(category) {
var md_idx = this.md_headers.indexOf(category);
if (md_idx === -1) {
throw new Error('The header ' + category +
' is not found in the metadata categories');
return md_idx;
* Retrieve all the plottable objects under the metadata header value.
* @param {string} category A string with the metadata header.
* @param {string} value A string with the value under the metadata category.
* @return {Plottable[]} An Array of plottable objects for the given category
* value pair.
DecompositionModel.prototype.getPlottablesByMetadataCategoryValue = function(
category, value) {
var md_idx = this._getMetadataIndex(category);
var res = _.filter(this.plottable, function(pl) {
return pl.metadata[md_idx] === value;
if (res.length === 0) {
throw new Error('The value ' + value +
' is not found in the metadata category ' + category);
return res;
* Retrieve the available values for a given metadata category
* @param {string} category A string with the metadata header.
* @return {string[]} An array of the available values for the given metadata
* header sorted first alphabetically and then numerically.
DecompositionModel.prototype.getUniqueValuesByCategory = function(category) {
var md_idx = this._getMetadataIndex(category);
var values =, function(pl) {
return pl.metadata[md_idx];
return naturalSort(_.uniq(values));
* Method to determine if this is an arrow decomposition
DecompositionModel.prototype.isArrowType = function() {
return this.type === 'arrow';
* Method to determine if this is a scatter decomposition
DecompositionModel.prototype.isScatterType = function() {
return this.type === 'scatter';
* Executes the provided `func` passing all the plottables as parameters.
* @param {function} func The function to call for each plottable. It should
* accept a single parameter which will be the plottable.
* @return {Object[]} An array with the results of executing func over all
* plottables.
DecompositionModel.prototype.apply = function(func) {
return, func);
* Transform observation names into plottable objects.
* @return {Array[]} An array of plottable pairs.
* @private
DecompositionModel.prototype._processEdgeList = function(edges) {
if (edges.length === 0) {
return edges;
var u, v, scope = this;
edges = {
if (edge[0] === edge[1]) {
throw new Error('Cannot create edge between two identical nodes (' +
edge[0] + ' and ' + edge[1] + ')');
u = scope.getPlottableByID(edge[0]);
v = scope.getPlottableByID(edge[1]);
return [u, v];
return edges;
* Helper function used to find the minimum and maximum values every
* dimension in the plottable objects. This function is used with
* underscore.js' reduce function (_.reduce).
* @param {Object} accumulator An object with a "min" and "max" arrays that
* store the minimum and maximum values over all the plottables.
* @param {Plottable} plottable A plottable object to compare with.
* @return {Object} An updated version of accumulator, integrating the ranges
* of the newly seen plottable object.
* @private
DecompositionModel._minMaxReduce = function(accumulator, plottable) {
// iterate over every dimension
_.each(plottable.coordinates, function(value, index) {
if (value > accumulator.max[index]) {
accumulator.max[index] = value;
else if (value < accumulator.min[index]) {
accumulator.min[index] = value;
return accumulator;
* Fix the names of the axes.
* Account for missing axes names, and for uninformative names produced by
* scikit-bio. In both cases, if we have an abbreviated name, we will use
* that string as a prefix for the axes names.
* @private
DecompositionModel.prototype._fixAxesNames = function() {
var expected = [], replacement = [], prefix, names, cast, i;
if (this.abbreviatedName === '') {
prefix = 'Axis ';
else {
prefix = this.abbreviatedName + ' ';
if (this.axesNames.length === 0) {
for (i = 0; i < this.dimensions; i++) {
replacement.push(prefix + (i + 1));
this.axesNames = replacement;
else {
names = util.splitNumericValues(this.axesNames);
for (i = 0; i < names.numeric.length; i++) {
// don't zero-index, doesn't make sense for displaying purposes
replacement.push(prefix + (i + 1));
// to truly match scikit-bio's format, all the numeric names should come
// after the non-numeric names, and the numeric names should match the
// array of expected values.
if (_.isEqual(expected, names.numeric) &&
_.isEqual(this.axesNames, names.nonNumeric.concat(names.numeric))) {
this.axesNames = names.nonNumeric.concat(replacement);
* Helper method to build labels for all axes
DecompositionModel.prototype._buildAxesLabels = function() {
var axesLabels = [], index, text;
for (index = 0; index < this.axesNames.length; index++) {
// when the labels get too long, it's a bit hard to look at
if (this.axesNames[index].length > 25) {
text = this.axesNames[index].slice(0, 20) + '...';
else {
text = this.axesNames[index];
// account for custom axes (their percentage explained will be -1 to
// indicate that this attribute is not meaningful).
if (this.percExpl[index] >= 0) {
text += ' (' + this.percExpl[index].toPrecision(4) + ' %)';
this.axesLabels = axesLabels;
* Helper method to convert a DecompositionModel into a string.
* @return {string} String representation describing the Decomposition
* object.
DecompositionModel.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'name: ' + this.abbreviatedName + '\n' +
'Metadata headers: [' + this.md_headers.join(', ') + ']\n' +
'Plottables:\n' +, function(plt) {
return plt.toString();
return { 'DecompositionModel': DecompositionModel,
'Plottable': Plottable};