new ColorViewController(uiState, container, decompViewDict) → {ColorViewController}
Name | Type | Description |
uiState |
UIState | The shared state |
container |
Node | Container node to create the controller in. |
decompViewDict |
Object | This is object is keyed by unique identifiers and the values are DecompositionView objects referring to a set of objects presented on screen. This dictionary will usually be shared by all the tabs in the application. This argument is passed by reference. |
- Source:
- Type
- ColorViewController
(static) Colormaps :Object
Color maps available, along with what type of colormap they are.
- Object
- Source:
$body :Node
jQuery element for the body, which contains the lowermost elementsdisplayed in tab. This goes below the header.
- Node
- Inherited From:
- Source:
$canvas :Node
jQuery element for the canvas, which contains the header and the body.
- Node
- Inherited From:
- Source:
$colormapSelect :Node
jQuery object holding the select box for the colormaps
- Node
- Source:
$colorScale :Node
jQuery object holding the SVG colorbar
- Node
- Source:
$container :Node
jQuery element for the parent container.
- Node
- Inherited From:
- Source:
$gridDiv :Node
jQuery element for the div containing the slickgrid of sample information
- Node
- Inherited From:
- Source:
$header :Node
jQuery element for the header which contains the uppermost elementsdisplayed in a tab.
- Node
- Inherited From:
- Source:
$scaled :Node
jQuery object holding the continuous value checkbox
- Node
- Source:
$scaleDiv :Node
jQuery object holding the colorbar div
- Node
- Source:
$scaledLabel :Node
jQuery object holding the continuous value label
- Node
- Source:
active :Boolean
Indicates whether the tab is front most
- Boolean
- Inherited From:
- Default Value:
- false
- Source:
bodyGrid :Slick.Grid
Container that lists the metadata categories described under themetadata column and the attribute that can be modified.
- Slick.Grid
- Inherited From:
- Source:
decompViewDict :Object
This is object is keyed by unique identifiers and the values areDecompositionView objects referring to a set of objects presented onscreen. This dictionary will usually be shared by all the tabs in theapplication. This argument is passed by reference.
- Object
- Inherited From:
- Source:
description :String
Human-readable description of the tab.
- String
- Inherited From:
- Source:
enabled :Boolean
Indicates if tab can be accessed.
- Boolean
- Inherited From:
- Default Value:
- true
- Source:
identifier :String
Unique hash identifier for the tab instance.
- String
- Inherited From:
- Default Value:
- "EMPtab-xxxxxxx"
- Source:
ready :function
Callback to execute when all the elements in the UI for this controllerhave been loaded. Note, that this functionality needs to be implementedby subclasses, as EmperorViewController does not have any UI components.
- function
- Overrides:
- Source:
title :String
Human-readable title of the tab.
- String
- Inherited From:
- Source:
UIState :UIState
The shared state
- UIState
- Inherited From:
- Source:
(static) getColorList(values, mapopt, discrete, scaledopt) → {Object|String}
Wrapper for generating a list of colors that corresponds to all samples in the plot by coloring type requested
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
values |
Array.<String> | list of objects to generate a color for, usually a category in a given metadata column. |
map |
String |
<optional> |
{'discrete-coloring-qiime'|'Viridis'} | name of the color map to use, see ColorViewController.Colormaps |
discrete |
Boolean | Whether to treat colormap requested as a discrete set of colors or use interpolation to create gradient of colors |
scaled |
Boolean |
<optional> |
false | Whether to use a scaled colormap or equidistant colors for each value |
- Source:
- See:
colors The object containing the hex colors keyed to each sample
- Type
- Object
gradientSVG The SVG string for the scaled data or null
- Type
- String
(static) getDiscreteColors(values, mapopt) → {Object}
Retrieve a discrete color set.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
values |
Array.<String> | list of objects to generate a color for, usually a category in a given metadata column. |
map |
String |
<optional> |
'discrete-coloring-qiime' | name of the color map to use, see ColorViewController.Colormaps |
- Source:
- See:
colors The object containing the hex colors keyed to each sample
- Type
- Object
(static) getInterpolatedColors(values, mapopt) → {Object}
Retrieve an interpolatd color set.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
values |
Array.<String> | Objects to generate a color for, usually a category in a given metadata column. |
map |
String |
<optional> |
'Viridis' | name of the color map to use. |
- Source:
colors The object containing the hex colors keyed to each sample.
- Type
- Object
(static) getPaletteColor(mapopt) → {Object}
Retrieve a whole discrete palette color set.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
map |
String |
<optional> |
'discrete-coloring-qiime' | name of the color map to use, see ColorViewController.Colormaps |
- Source:
- See:
map for selected color palette
- Type
- Object
(static) getScaledColors(values, mapopt, nanColoropt) → {Object|String}
Retrieve a scaled color set.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
values |
Array.<String> | Objects to generate a color for, usually a category in a given metadata column. |
map |
String |
<optional> |
'Viridis' | name of the discrete color map to use. |
nanColor |
String |
<optional> |
'#64655d' | Color to use for non-numeric values. |
- Source:
colors The object containing the hex colors keyed to each sample
- Type
- Object
gradientSVG The SVG string for the scaled data or null
- Type
- String
Get the name of the decomposition selected in the metadata menu.
- Inherited From:
- Source:
Writes the current settings to the active decomposition view(s). Will be called when the decomposition view is swapped out for a different view type.
- Inherited From:
- Source:
Decodes JSON string and modifies its own instance variables accordingly.
Name | Type | Description |
Parsed |
Object | JSON string representation of self. |
- Overrides:
- Source:
Get the name of the selected category in the metadata menu.
- Inherited From:
- Source:
getSlickGridDataset() → {Array}
Retrieves the underlying data in the slick grid
- Inherited From:
- Source:
Returns an array of objects displayed by the body grid.
- Type
- Array
Get the view that's currently selected by the metadata menu.
- Inherited From:
- Source:
hasMetadataField(m) → {Bool}
Check if a metadata field is present
Name | Type | Description |
m |
String | Metadata column to check if is present. |
- Inherited From:
- Source:
Whether or not the metadata field is present.
- Type
- Bool
isColoringContinuous() → {Boolean}
Method that returns whether or not the coloring is continuous and the values have been scaled.
- Source:
True if the coloring is continuous and the data is scaled, false otherwise.
- Type
- Boolean
Update the metadata selection menu.
Performs some additional logic to avoid duplicating decomposition names.
Note that decompositions won't be updated if they have the same name and same metadata headers, if the only things changing are coordinates, or metadata values, the changes should be performed directly on the objects themselves.
- Inherited From:
- Source:
resize(width, height)
Resizes the container and the individual elements.
Note, the consumer of this class, likely the main controller should call the resize function any time a resizing event happens.
Name | Type | Description |
width |
Float | the container width. |
height |
Float | the container height. |
- Overrides:
- Source:
Sets whether or not the tab is visible.
Name | Type | Description |
trulse |
Boolean | option to activate tab (i.e. move tab to foreground). |
- Inherited From:
- Source:
Sets whether or not elements in the tab can be modified.
Name | Type | Description |
trulse |
Boolean | option to enable elements. |
- Overrides:
- Source:
Changes the selected value in the metadata menu.
Name | Type | Description |
m |
String | Metadata column name to control. When the category is
- Inherited From:
- Source:
must be a metadata category in one of the decomposition views. - Type
- Error
setPlottableAttributes(object, string, array)
Helper function to set the color of plottable
Name | Type | Description |
object |
scope | , the scope where the plottables exist |
string |
color | , hexadecimal representation of a color, which will be applied to the plottables |
array |
group | of objects, list of object that should be changed in scope |
- Source:
Changes the underlying data in the slick grid
Name | Type | Description |
data |
Array | data. |
- Inherited From:
- Source:
toJSON() → {Object}
Converts the current instance into a JSON string.
- Overrides:
- Source:
JSON ready representation of self.
- Type
- Object