Source: axes-controller.js

], function($, _, DecompositionView, ViewControllers, d3, contextmenu,
            FileSaver) {
  var EmperorViewController = ViewControllers.EmperorViewController;

   * @class AxesController
   * Controls the axes that are displayed on screen as well as their
   * orientation.
   * @param {UIState} uiState The shared state
   * @param {Node} container Container node to create the controller in.
   * @param {Object} decompViewDict This is object is keyed by unique
   * identifiers and the values are DecompositionView objects referring to a
   * set of objects presented on screen. This dictionary will usually be shared
   * by all the tabs in the application. This argument is passed by reference.
   * @return {AxesController}
   * @constructs AxesController
   * @extends EmperorViewController
  function AxesController(uiState, container, decompViewDict) {
    var helpmenu = 'Change the visible dimensions of the data';
    var title = 'Axes';
    var scope = this;, uiState, container, title, helpmenu,

    this.$viewTypeDiv = $('<div name="emperor-viewtype-div"></div>');
        'margin': '0 auto',
        'width': '100%',
        'height': '100%'
    this.$viewTypeDiv.attr('title', 'Change the selected View Type');

    var radioName = 'emperor.viewType_' + this.identifier;
    if (this.UIState['view.viewType'] === 'scatter') {

      this.$radioScatter = $('<input type="radio" name="' + radioName + '" ' +
        'value="scatter" checked> Scatter </input>');
    else {
      this.$radioScatter = $('<input type="radio" name="' + radioName + '" ' +
        'value="scatter"> Scatter </input>');

    if (this.UIState['view.viewType'] === 'parallel-plot') {
      this.$radioParallelPlot = $(
        '<input type="radio" name="' + radioName + '" ' +
        'value="parallel-plot" checked> Parallel Plot </input>');
    else {
      this.$radioParallelPlot = $(
        '<input type="radio" name="' + radioName + '" ' +
        'value="parallel-plot"> Parallel Plot </input>');


    this.$radioScatter.change(function() {
      scope.UIState.setProperty('view.viewType', 'scatter');

    this.$radioParallelPlot.change(function() {
      scope.UIState.setProperty('view.viewType', 'parallel-plot');


    var colors = '<table style="width:inherit; border:none;" title="">';
    colors += '<tr><td>Axes and Labels Color</td>';
    colors += '<td><input type="text" name="axes-color"/></td></tr>';
    colors += '<tr><td>Background Color</td>';
    colors += '<td><input type="text" name="background-color"/></td>';
    colors += this._procrustesControllers();
    colors += '</table>';


    // the jupyter notebook adds style on the tables, so remove it
    this.$body.find('tr').css('border', 'none');
    this.$body.find('td').css('border', 'none');

    var opts = {color: 'white',
                preferredFormat: 'name',
                palette: [['black', 'white']],
                showPalette: true,
                showInput: true,
                allowEmpty: true,
                showInitial: true,
                clickoutFiresChange: true,
                hideAfterPaletteSelect: true,
                change: function(color) {
                  // null means hide axes and labels
                  if (color !== null) {
                    // We let the controller deal with the callback, the only
                    // things we need are the name of the element triggering
                    // the color change and the color
                    color = color.toHexString();
                  scope._colorChanged($(this).attr('name'), color);

    // Don't propagate the keydown and keypress events so that inputing a color
    // doesn't interfere with the shortcuts of the Jupyter Notebook
    var stop = function(event) {

    // spectrumify all the elements in the body that have a name ending in
    // color
    this._$axesColor = this.$body.find('[name="axes-color"]');
      .on('keydown keypress', stop);

    opts.color = 'black';
    opts.allowEmpty = false;
    this._$backgroundColor = this.$body.find('[name="background-color"]');
      .on('keydown keypress', stop);

    // these initializations will be ignored if there are no edges in the views
    opts.color = 'white';
    opts.showPalette = false;
    this._$referenceEdgeColor = this.$body.find(
      .on('keydown keypress', stop);

    opts.color = 'red';
    this._$otherEdgeColor = this.$body.find('[name="other-edge-color"]');
      .on('keydown keypress', stop);

     * @type {Node}
     * jQuery object containing the scree plot.
     * The style set here is important, allows for automatic resizing.
     * @private
    this.$_screePlotContainer = $('<div name="scree-plot">');
    this.$_screePlotContainer.attr('title', '');
    this.$_screePlotContainer.css({'display': 'inline-block',
                                   'position': 'relative',
                                   'width': '100%',
                                   'padding-bottom': '100%',
                                   'vertical-align': 'middle',
                                   'overflow': 'hidden'});


     * @type {Node}
     * jQuery object containing the download scree plot button
     * See also the private method _downloadScreePlot
    this.$saveButton = $('<button>&nbsp;</button>');
      'position': 'absolute',
      'z-index': '3',
      'top': '10px',
      'right': '5px'
      text: false, icons: {primary: ' ui-icon-circle-arrow-s'}
    }).attr('title', 'Download Scree Plot');

     * @type {Node}
     * The SVG node where the scree plot lives. For use with D3.
    this.svg = null;

     * @type {Node}
     * The display table where information about currently visible axes is
     * shown.
    this.$table = null;

     * @type {Bool[]}
     * Which axes are 'flipped', by default all are set to false.
     * @private
    this._flippedAxes = [false, false, false];

    // initialize interface elements here
    $(this).ready(function() {

      if (scope.ready !== null) {

    return this;
  AxesController.prototype = Object.create(EmperorViewController.prototype);
  AxesController.prototype.constructor = EmperorViewController;

   * Create a table to display the visible axis information.
   * Note that when this method is executed the table is destroyed, if it
   * exists, and recreated with the appropriate information.
  AxesController.prototype.buildDisplayTable = function() {
    if (this.$table !== null) {

    if (this.UIState['view.viewType'] === 'parallel-plot') {
    // Disables axes choices, not used for parallel-plot.

    var view = this.getView(), scope = this;

    var $table = $('<table></table>'), $row, $td, widgets;
    var names = ['First', 'Second', 'Third'];

    $table.attr('title', 'Modify the axes visible on screen');
    $table.css({'border': 'none',
                'width': 'inherit',
                'text-align': 'left',
                'padding-bottom': '10%'});


    _.each(view.visibleDimensions, function(dimension, index) {
      widgets = scope._makeDimensionWidgets(index);

      $row = $('<tr></tr>');

      // axis name
      $row.append('<td>' + names[index] + '</td>');

      // visible dimension menu
      $td = $('<td></td>');
      // this acts as the minimum width of the column
      $td.css('width', '100px');

      // inverted checkbox
      $td = $('<td></td>');


    this.$table = $table;

    // the jupyter notebook adds style on the tables, so remove it
    this.$header.find('tr').css('border', 'none');
    this.$header.find('td').css('border', 'none');

   * Method to create dropdown menus and checkboxes
   * @param {Integer} position The position of the axis for which the widgets
   * are being created.
   * @private
  AxesController.prototype._makeDimensionWidgets = function(position) {
    if (position > 2 || position < 0) {
      throw Error('Cannot create widgets for position: ' + position);

    var scope = this, $check, $menu;
    var decomposition = scope.getView().decomp;
    var visibleDimension = scope.getView().visibleDimensions[position];

    $menu = $('<select>');
    $menu.css({'width': '100%'});
    $check = $('<input type="checkbox">');

    // if the axis is flipped, then show the checkmark
    $check.prop('checked', scope._flippedAxes[position]);

    _.each(decomposition.axesNames, function(name, index) {
      $menu.append($('<option>').attr('value', name).text(name));

    if (position === 2) {
      $menu.append($('<option>').attr('value', null)
                                .text('Hide Axis (make 2D)'));

    $menu.on('change', function() {
      var index = $(this).prop('selectedIndex');

      // the last element is the "hide" option, only for the third menu, if
      // that's the case the selected index becomes null so it can be hidden
      if (position === 2 && index === decomposition.dimensions) {
        index = null;

      scope.updateVisibleAxes(index, position);

    $check.on('change', function() {

    $(function() {
      // if the selected index is null, it means we need to select the last
      // element in the dropdown menu
      var idx = visibleDimension;
      if (idx === null) {
        idx = decomposition.dimensions;

        // disable the flip axes checkbox
        $check.attr('disabled', true);
      $menu.prop('selectedIndex', idx);

    return {menu: $menu, checkbox: $check};

   * Method to build the scree plot and updates the interface appropriately.
   * @private
  AxesController.prototype._buildScreePlot = function() {
    var scope = this;
    var percents = this.getView().decomp.percExpl;
    var names = this.getView().decomp.axesNames;
    percents =, function(val, index) {
      // +1 to account for zero-indexing
      return {'axis': names[index] + ' ', 'percent': val,
              'dimension-index': index};

    // this chart is based on the example hosted in
    var margin = {top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 30, left: 40},
        width = this.$body.width() - margin.left - margin.right,
        height = (this.$body.height() * 0.40) - - margin.bottom;

    var tooltip ='body').append('div').style({
      'position': 'absolute',
      'display': 'none',
      'color': 'black',
      'height': 'auto',
      'text-align': 'center',
      'background-color': 'rgba(200,200,200,0.5)',
      'border-radius': '5px',
      'cursor': 'default',
      'font-family': 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
      'font-size': '14px'
    }).html('Percent Explained');

    var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
      .rangeRoundBands([0, width], 0.1);

    var y = d3.scale.linear()
      .range([height, 0]);

    var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()

    var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()

    // the container of the scree plot
    var svg =$_screePlotContainer.get(0)).append('svg')
      .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet')
      .attr('viewBox', (-margin.left) + ' ' +
                       ( + ' ' +
                       (width + margin.left + margin.right) + ' ' +
                       (height + + margin.bottom))
      .style('display', 'inline-block')
      .style('position', 'absolute')
      .style('left', '0')
      .style('top', '0')

    this.$_screePlotContainer.height(height + + margin.bottom);

    // Only keep dimensions resulting of an ordination i.e. with a positive
    // percentage explained.
    percents = percents.filter(function(x) { return x.percent >= 0; });

    // creation of the chart itself
    x.domain( { return d.axis; }));
    y.domain([0, d3.max(percents, function(d) { return d.percent; })]);

    // create the x axis
      .attr('font', '10px sans-serif')
      .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')')

    // create the y axis
      .attr('font', '10px sans-serif')
      .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (margin.left * (-0.8)) +
                         ',' + height / 2 + ') rotate(-90)')
      .style('text-anchor', 'middle')
      .text('% Variation Explained');

    // draw the bars in the chart
      .attr('dimension-index', function(d) { return d['dimension-index']; })
      .attr('fill', 'steelblue')
      .attr('x', function(d) { return x(d.axis); })
      .attr('width', x.rangeBand())
      .attr('y', function(d) { return y(d.percent); })
      .attr('height', function(d) { return height - y(d.percent); })
      .on('mousemove', function(d) {
        // midpoint: set the midpoint to zero in case something is off
        // offset: avoid some flickering
        var midpoint = (parseFloat('width')) / 2) || 0,
            offset = 25;

          'left': d3.event.pageX - midpoint + 'px',
          'top': d3.event.pageY - offset + 'px'

        // after positioning the tooltip display the view, otherwise weird
        // resizing glitches occur{'display': 'inline-block'});
      .on('mouseout', function(d) {'display', 'none');

    // figure title
      .attr('x', (width / 2))
      .attr('y', 0)
      .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
      .text('Scree Plot');

    // set the style for the axes lines and ticks
      .style('fill', 'none')
      .style('stroke', 'black')
      .style('stroke-width', '2')
      .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges');

    this.screePlot = svg;

    this.$saveButton.on('click', function() {

   * Helper method to download the scree plot as an SVG file.
  AxesController.prototype._downloadScreePlot = function() {
      // converting svgRenderer to string:
      var XMLS = new XMLSerializer();
      var svg = XMLS.serializeToString(this.screePlot.node().ownerSVGElement);

      blob = new Blob([svg], {type: 'image/svg+xml'});
      saveAs(blob, 'emperor-scree-plot.svg');

   * Helper method to optionally create the procrustes controllers
  AxesController.prototype._procrustesControllers = function() {
    var out = '';
    var shouldDraw = _.values(this.decompViewDict).some(function(view) {
      return view.decomp.edges.length > 0;

    // if we have at least one decomposition with edges then we add the
    // controllers.
    if (shouldDraw) {
      out += '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
      out += '<tr>';
      out += '<td>Edge Color (reference)</td>';
      out += '<td><input type="text" name="reference-edge-color"/></td>';
      out += '</tr>';
      out += '<tr>';
      out += '<td>Edge Color (other)</td>';
      out += '<td><input type="text" name="other-edge-color"/></td>';
      out += '</tr>';

    return out;

   * Get the reference edge color from the UI picker.
  AxesController.prototype.getReferenceEdgeColor = function() {
    if (this._$referenceEdgeColor.length === 0) {
      return null;

    return this._$referenceEdgeColor.spectrum('get').toHexString();

   * Get the other edge color from the UI picker.
  AxesController.prototype.getOtherEdgeColor = function() {
    if (this._$otherEdgeColor.length === 0) {
      return null;

    return this._$otherEdgeColor.spectrum('get').toHexString();

   * Get the background color from the UI picker.
  AxesController.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function() {
    return this._$backgroundColor.spectrum('get').toHexString();

   * Get the axes color from the UI picker.
  AxesController.prototype.getAxesColor = function() {
    return this._$axesColor.spectrum('get').toHexString();

   * Set the reference edge color (to the UI and the underlying models).
   * @param {string} color The color to set, in a CSS 6-digit hex format i.e.
   * #ff0000 for red
  AxesController.prototype.setReferenceEdgeColor = function(color) {
    if (this._$referenceEdgeColor.length) {
      this._$referenceEdgeColor.spectrum('set', color);

      _.each(this.decompViewDict, function(decView) {
        decView.needsUpdate = true;

   * Set the other edge color (to the UI and the underlying models).
   * @param {string} color The color to set, in a CSS 6-digit hex format i.e.
   * #ff0000 for red
  AxesController.prototype.setOtherEdgeColor = function(color) {
    if (this._$otherEdgeColor.length) {
      this._$otherEdgeColor.spectrum('set', color);

      _.each(this.decompViewDict, function(decView) {
        decView.needsUpdate = true;

   * Set the background color (to the UI and the underlying models).
   * @param {string} color The color to set, in a CSS 6-digit hex format i.e.
   * #ff0000 for red
  AxesController.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(color) {
    this._$backgroundColor.spectrum('set', color);

    _.each(this.decompViewDict, function(decView) {
      decView.backgroundColor = color;
      decView.needsUpdate = true;

   * Set the axes color (to the UI and the underlying models).
   * @param {string} color The color to set, in a CSS 6-digit hex format i.e.
   * #ff0000 for red
  AxesController.prototype.setAxesColor = function(color) {
    this._$axesColor.spectrum('set', color);

    _.each(this.decompViewDict, function(decView) {
      decView.axesColor = color;
      decView.needsUpdate = true;

   * Callback to reposition an axis
   * @param {Integer} index The index of the dimension to set as a new visible
   * axis, in the corresponding position indicated by `position`.
   * @param {Integer} position The position where the new axis will be set.
  AxesController.prototype.updateVisibleAxes = function(index, position) {
    // update all the visible dimensions
    _.each(this.decompViewDict, function(decView, key) {
      // clone to avoid indirectly modifying by reference
      var visibleDimensions = _.clone(decView.visibleDimensions);

      visibleDimensions[position] = index;

    this._flippedAxes[position] = false;


   * Callback to change the orientation of an axis
   * @param {Integer} index The index of the dimension to re-orient, note that
   * if this index is not visible, this callback will take no effect.
  AxesController.prototype.flipAxis = function(index) {
    var axIndex;

    // update all the visible dimensions
    _.each(this.decompViewDict, function(decView, key) {

      axIndex = decView.visibleDimensions.indexOf(index);

      if (axIndex !== -1) {

    // needs to cast to boolean, because XOR returns an integer
    this._flippedAxes[axIndex] = Boolean(true ^ this._flippedAxes[axIndex]);

   * Convenience to change color of the axes or the background
   * @param {String} name The name of the element to change, it can be either
   * 'axes-color' or 'background-color'. If the plot displays procrustes data
   * then it can also accept 'reference-edge-color' and 'other-edge-color'.
   * @param {String} color The color to set to the `name`. Should be in a CSS
   * compatible format.
   * @private
  AxesController.prototype._colorChanged = function(name, color) {
    // for both cases update all the decomposition views and then set the
    // appropriate colors
    if (name === 'axes-color') {
    else if (name === 'background-color') {
    else if (name === 'reference-edge-color') {
    else if (name === 'other-edge-color') {
    else {
      throw Error('Could not change color for element: "' + name + '"');

   * Converts the current instance into a JSON string.
   * @return {Object} JSON ready representation of self.
  AxesController.prototype.toJSON = function() {
    var json = {};

    var decView = this.getView();

    json.visibleDimensions = decView.visibleDimensions;
    json.flippedAxes = this._flippedAxes;

    json.backgroundColor = this.getBackgroundColor();
    json.axesColor = this.getAxesColor();

    json.referenceEdgeColor = this.getReferenceEdgeColor();
    json.otherEdgeColor = this.getOtherEdgeColor();

    //Save the viewType
    json.viewType = this.UIState['view.viewType'];

    return json;

   * Decodes JSON string and modifies its own instance variables accordingly.
   * @param {Object} Parsed JSON string representation of self.
  AxesController.prototype.fromJSON = function(json) {
    var decView = this.getView(), scope = this;


    _.each(json.flippedAxes, function(element, index) {
      // if the values are different, the axes need to be inverted
      if (element !== scope._flippedAxes[index]) {

    // only set these colors if they are present, note that colors
    // are saved as
    if (json.axesColor !== undefined) {

    if (json.backgroundColor !== undefined) {

    // if procrustes information is available
    if (json.referenceEdgeColor !== undefined) {
    if (json.otherEdgeColor !== undefined) {

    // make sure everything is up to date in the UI

    //Restore the viewType
    if (json.viewType !== undefined) {
      this.UIState.setProperty('view.viewType', json.viewType);

  return AxesController;