Returns: |
- pandas.DataFrame with info about significantly enriched terms. The columns include –
- ‘feature’ : the feature ID (str)
- ’pval’ : the p-value for the enrichment (float)
- ’odif’ : the effect size (float)
- ’observed’ : the number of observations of this term in group1 (int)
- ’expected’ : the expected (based on all features) number of observations of this term in group1 (float)
- ’frac_group1’ : fraction of total terms in group 1 which are the specific term (float)
- ’frac_group2’ : fraction of total terms in group 2 which are the specific term (float)
- ’num_group1’ : number of total terms in group 1 which are the specific term (float)
- ’num_group2’ : number of total terms in group 2 which are the specific term (float)
- ’description’ : the term (str)
- numpy.Array where rows are features (ordered like the dataframe), columns are terms, and value is score – for term in feature
- pandas.DataFrame with info about the features used. columns –
- ‘group’ : int, the group (1/2) to which the feature belongs
- ’sequence’: str