
Emperor provides a Python API (Emperor 3D PCoA viewer (emperor)) intended to be used to create interactive plots, which can be visualized in the context of the Jupyter notebook, or outside it. Alternatively, if you are using QIIME 2, these same capabilities are exposed through QIIME 2’s interfaces (most notably the command line interface and graphical user interface).

The main entry point for Emperor is the Emperor object, this object relies on two pieces of information:

  • Sample metadata: this data is represented as a Pandas DataFrame object that describes a series of samples and any additional information that was measured for each of them. In the context of QIIME and QIIME 2, this is referred to as the mapping file.
  • Coordinates data: this data is represented as a scikit-bio OrdinationResults object that describes the position of a series of samples in an n-dimensional space.

To try out the examples below, download a copy of the repository (here), and navigate inside the examples folder.

Plotting Principal Coordinates Analysis

In this notebook, we explore the simplest use-case, visualizing a previously computed principal coordinates analysis matrix. For this example, we processed the OTU table using Qiita (to compute a distance matrix and ordinated coordinates), so all we need to do is load the coordinates and metadata. To plot data, we use the Emperor constructor.

Note that, we load the metadata mapping file in such a way that no data types are inferred (this is to guarantee data integrity) however, so as long as your data is in a Pandas DataFrame, you can load it in any way you find the most convenient. Additionally, in the line where we call the Emperor constructor, we specify remote=True, this allows us to share the notebook via nbviewer, and make the plot interactive for anyone who accesses the notebook from their browser.

Distance Metric Browser

This example, explores how Jupyter‘s interactive components can be used together with Emperor, to create a distance metric browser.

There are a few important things to note from this example. First, we rely on a few packages that are not Emperor dependencies, but are generally useful in the context of microbiome data analysis (scikit-learn, biom-format, qiime_default_reference and ipywidgets).

Sharing a Plot

In the Jupyter Notebook

Emperor has the ability to display its interface inline inside a Jupyter notebook. By default, plots are created such that if the notebook is shared with someone else (using GitHub, nbviewer, or by sharing the notebook file), the plots can be loaded without needing any additional dependencies (in the examples above that’s why we set remote=True). Remember, that in order to do this, you will need to have access to an internet connection. Alternatively when there’s no internet connection available, you can use the nbinstall function, which will make the resources available from within your running notebook server.

Outside the Jupyter Notebook

In certain circumstances it is more convenient to create plots independent of the Jupyter notebook, to do this you would need to do the same thing as above (load the metadata and coordinates), and then instead of displaying the plot inline, you can use the Python API to create a folder with the plot and needed resources. The following snippet uses the Emperor object but this time it sets the remote parameter to the current directory i.e. remote='.' (like in UNIX, '.' refers to the current path):

from emperor import Emperor
from os import makedirs
from os.path import join
from skbio import OrdinationResults

import pandas as pd

# this is just an example of how to load a metadata table and ordination
metadata = pd.read_csv('mapping-file.txt', sep='\t', index_col='#SampleID')
ordination = OrdinationResults.read('bray-curtis.txt')

# the remote argument refers to where the support files will be located
# relative to the plot itself i.e. index.html.
emp = Emperor(ordination, metadata, remote='.')
output_folder = 'plot' # new folder where data will be saved

# create an output directory
makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)

with open(join(output_folder, 'index.html'), 'w') as f:

To view the plot, open the index.html file inside the plot folder. This will launch Emperor, but this time the interface will use the entire screen, as opposed to just a cell (like in the notebooks above).