Source code for gneiss.util

Utility functions (:mod:`gneiss.util`)

.. currentmodule:: gneiss.util

This module contains helper functions for aligning metadata tables,
contingency tables and trees.


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2016--, gneiss development team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import warnings
import numpy as np
from skbio.stats.composition import closure
import pandas as pd

# Specifies which child is numberator and denominator

def split_balance(balance, tree):
    """ Splits a balance into its log ratio components.

    balance : pd.Series
        A vector corresponding to a single balance.  These values
        that will be split into its numberator and denominator

        Dataframe where the first column contains the numerator and the
        second column contains the denominator of the balance.

    The balance must have a name associated with it.
    node = tree.find(

    if node.is_tip():
        raise ValueError("%s is not a balance." %

    left = node.children[0]
    right = node.children[1]
    if left.is_tip():
        L = 1
        L = len([n for n in])
    if right.is_tip():
        R = 1
        R = len([n for n in])
    b = np.expand_dims(balance.values, axis=1)
    # need to scale down by the number of children in subtrees
    b = np.exp(b / (np.sqrt((L*R) / (L + R))))
    o = np.ones((len(b), 1))
    k = np.hstack((b, o))
    p = closure(k)
    return pd.DataFrame(p, columns=[,],

[docs]def match(table, metadata): """ Matches samples between a contingency table and a metadata table. Sorts samples in metadata and contingency table in the same order. If there are sames contained in the contigency table, but not in metadata or vice versa, the intersection of samples in the contingency table and the metadata table will returned. Parameters ---------- table : pd.DataFrame Contingency table where samples correspond to rows and features correspond to columns. metadata: pd.DataFrame Metadata table where samples correspond to rows and explanatory metadata variables correspond to columns. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : Filtered contingency table. pd.DataFrame : Filtered metadata table Raises ------ ValueError: Raised if duplicate sample ids are present in `table`. ValueError: Raised if duplicate sample ids are present in `metadata`. ValueError: Raised if `table` and `metadata` have incompatible sizes. """ subtableids = set(table.index) submetadataids = set(metadata.index) if len(subtableids) != len(table.index): raise ValueError("`table` has duplicate sample ids.") if len(submetadataids) != len(metadata.index): raise ValueError("`metadata` has duplicate sample ids.") idx = subtableids & submetadataids if len(idx) == 0: raise ValueError(("No more samples left. Check to make sure that " "the sample names between `metadata` and `table` " "are consistent")) subtable = table.loc[idx] submetadata = metadata.loc[idx] return subtable, submetadata
[docs]def match_tips(table, tree): """ Returns the contingency table and tree with matched tips. Sorts the columns of the contingency table to match the tips in the tree. The ordering of the tips is in post-traversal order. If the tree is multi-furcating, then the tree is reduced to a bifurcating tree by randomly inserting internal nodes. The intersection of samples in the contingency table and the tree will returned. Parameters ---------- table : pd.DataFrame Contingency table where samples correspond to rows and features correspond to columns. tree : skbio.TreeNode Tree object where the leafs correspond to the features. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : Subset of the original contingency table with the common features. skbio.TreeNode : Sub-tree with the common features. Raises ------ ValueError: Raised if `table` and `tree` have incompatible sizes. See Also -------- skbio.TreeNode.bifurcate """ tips = [ for x in] common_tips = list(set(tips) & set(table.columns)) _table = table.loc[:, common_tips] _tree = tree.shear(names=common_tips) _tree.bifurcate() _tree.prune() sorted_features = [ for n in] _table = _table.reindex_axis(sorted_features, axis=1) return _table, _tree
def check_internal_nodes(tree): for n in tree.levelorder(): if is None: raise ValueError('TreeNode has no name.')
[docs]def rename_internal_nodes(tree, names=None, inplace=False): """ Names the internal according to level ordering. The tree will be traversed in level order (i.e. top-down, left to right). If `names` is not specified, the node with the smallest label (y0) will be located at the root of the tree, and the node with the largest label will be located at bottom right corner of the tree. Parameters ---------- tree : skbio.TreeNode Tree object where the leafs correspond to the features. names : list, optional List of labels to rename the tip names. It is assumed that the names are listed in level ordering, and the length of the list is at least as long as the number of internal nodes. inplace : bool, optional Specifies if the operation should be done on the original tree or not. Returns ------- skbio.TreeNode Tree with renamed internal nodes. Raises ------ ValueError: Raised if `tree` and `name` have incompatible sizes. """ if inplace: _tree = tree else: _tree = tree.copy() non_tips = [n for n in _tree.levelorder() if not n.is_tip()] if names is not None and len(non_tips) != len(names): raise ValueError("`_tree` and `names` have incompatible sizes, " "`_tree` has %d tips, `names` has %d elements." % (len(non_tips), len(names))) i = 0 for n in _tree.levelorder(): if not n.is_tip(): if names is None: label = 'y%i' % i else: label = names[i] if is not None and label == warnings.warn("Warning. Internal node (%s) has been replaced " "with (%s)" % (, label), UserWarning) = label i += 1 return _tree
def _type_cast_to_float(df): """ Attempt to cast all of the values in dataframe to float. This will try to type cast all of the series within the dataframe into floats. If a column cannot be type casted, it will be kept as is. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ # TODO: Will need to improve this, as this is a very hacky solution. for c in df.columns: s = df[c] try: df[c] = s.astype(np.float64) except: continue return df
[docs]def block_diagonal(ncols, nrows, nblocks): """ Generate block diagonal with uniformly distributed values within blocks. Parameters ---------- ncol : int Number of columns nrows : int Number of rows nblocks : int Number of blocks Note ---- The number of blocks specified by `nblocks` needs to be greater than 1. """ if nblocks <= 1: raise ValueError('`nblocks` needs to be greater than 1.') mat = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) block_cols = ncols // nblocks block_rows = nrows // nblocks for b in range(nblocks-1): B = np.random.uniform(size=(block_rows, block_cols)) lower_row = block_rows * b upper_row = min(block_rows*(b+1), nrows) lower_col = block_cols * b upper_col = min(block_cols*(b+1), ncols) mat[lower_row:upper_row, lower_col:upper_col] = B # Make last block fill in the remainder B = np.random.uniform(size=(nrows-upper_row, ncols-upper_col)) mat[upper_row:, upper_col:] = B return mat
def _shift(l, n): """ Creates the band table by iteratively shifting a single vector. Parameters ---------- l : array Vector to be shifted n : int Max number of shifts """ sl = l table = [l] if n == 0: return table else: for k in range(n): sl = np.roll(sl, 1) table.append(sl) return table
[docs]def band_diagonal(n, b): """ Creates band table with dense diagonal, sparse corners. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of features b : int Length of band Returns ------- np.array Table of """ p = n - b + 1 # samples y = [1./b] * b + [0] * (n-b) table = _shift(y, p-1) table = np.column_stack(table) return table