Source code for gneiss.plot._blobtree

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2016--, gneiss development team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import pandas as pd
    import ete3
    from ete3 import TreeStyle, AttrFace, NodeStyle
    from ete3.treeview import faces
    from PyQt4.QtGui import (QGraphicsPolygonItem,
                             QPen, QColor, QBrush, QPolygonF)
    from PyQt4.QtCore import QPointF
    from ete3.treeview.faces import StaticItemFace, Face
except ImportError:
    raise ImportWarning('ete3 is not installed.  '
                        'ETE3 style visualizations will not be available.')

class _DiamondItem(QGraphicsPolygonItem):
    def __init__(self, width, height, label, color='#0000FF'):

        self.pol = QPolygonF()

        self.pol = QPolygonF()
        self.pol.append(QPointF(width / 2.0, 0))
        self.pol.append(QPointF(width, height / 2.0))
        self.pol.append(QPointF(width / 2.0, height))
        self.pol.append(QPointF(0, height / 2.0))
        self.pol.append(QPointF(width / 2.0, 0))

        self.label = label
        QGraphicsPolygonItem.__init__(self, self.pol)


    def paint(self, p, option, widget):
        super(_DiamondItem, self).paint(p, option, widget)
        ete3.treeview.faces._label_painter(self, p, option, widget)

class CollapsedDiamondFace(StaticItemFace, Face):
    Creates a collapsed node face object.

    def __init__(self, width, height, label='', color='#0000FF'):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.type = 'item'
        self.label = label
        self.color = color

    def update_items(self):
        self.item = _DiamondItem(width=self.width, height=self.height,
                                 label=self.label, color=self.color)

    def _width(self):
        return self.width

    def _height(self):
        return self.height

[docs]def diamondtree(tree, **kwargs): """ Plots collapsed tree with background coloring and clade coloring. This creates collapsed trees similar to the tree plots in the tree of life paper [1]. Rather than plotting all of the leaves, specified subtrees will be replaced by diamonds that are scaled to approximate the depth and the width of the subtree. Parameters ---------- tree : skbio.TreeNode A strictly bifurcating tree defining a hierarchical relationship between all of the features within `table`. collapsed_nodes : list of str Names of internal nodes to collapse within the tree. (default : []) layout : function, optional A layout for formatting the tree visualization. Must take a `ete.tree` as a parameter. (default : None) labelcolor: str Color of the node labels. (default : 'black') bgcolors: dict of str or matplotlib colormap String or function encoding matplotlib colormap for the backgrounds outside of the clades. (default : None) cladecolors: dict of str or str String or function encoding matplotlib colormap for the colors within the clade faces. (default '#0000FF') depth_scaling : int Scaling factor for height of the subtrees represented by diamonds. (default : 30) breadth_scaling : int Scaling factor for width of the subtrees represented by diamonds. (default : 6) label_size : int Size of nodes labels. (default : 10) mode : str Type of display to show the tree. ('c': circular, 'r': rectangular). (default : 'c') Returns ------- ete.Tree ETE tree object that will be plotted. ete.TreeStyle ETE TreeStyle that decorates the tree and heatmap visualization. References ---------- .. [1] Hug, Laura A., et al. "A new view of the tree of life." Nature Microbiology 1 (2016): 16048. """ # TODO: Allow for the option to encode labels in different colors # (i.e. pass in a pandas series) params = {'collapsed_nodes': [], 'bgcolors': None, 'cladecolors': '#0000FF', 'labelcolor': 'black', 'label_size': 10, 'depth_scaling': 30, 'breadth_scaling': 6, 'mode': 'c', # TODO: Enable layout # layout : function, optional # A layout for formatting the tree visualization. Must take a # `ete.tree` as a parameter. # For now just define a null function if no layout is defined # TODO: Learning scaling factors for depth and breadth 'layout': lambda x: x} for key in params: params[key] = kwargs.get(key, params[key]) collapsed_nodes = params['collapsed_nodes'] bgcolors = params['bgcolors'] cladecolors = params['cladecolors'] labelcolor = params['labelcolor'] label_size = params['label_size'] depth_scaling = params['depth_scaling'] breadth_scaling = params['breadth_scaling'] mode = params['mode'] layout = params['layout'] tr = ete3.Tree.from_skbio(tree) def diamond_layout(node): # Run the layout passed in first before # filling in the heatmap layout(node) N = AttrFace("name", fsize=label_size, fgcolor=labelcolor) # background colors c, found = _get_node_color(bgcolors, node, "") if found: nst = NodeStyle() nst["bgcolor"] = c node.set_style(nst) if in collapsed_nodes: # scaling factor for approximating subtree depth depth = node.get_farthest_leaf(topology_only=True) w = depth[1]*depth_scaling # scaling factor for approximating for subtree width h = len(node)*breadth_scaling c, _ = _get_node_color(cladecolors, node, "#0000FF") C = CollapsedDiamondFace(width=w, height=h, color=c) node.img_style['draw_descendants'] = False # And place as a float face over the tree faces.add_face_to_node(C, node, 0, position="float") faces.add_face_to_node(N, node, 1, position="float") else: faces.add_face_to_node(N, node, 0) ts = TreeStyle() # Draw a tree ts.mode = mode # We will add node names manually ts.show_leaf_name = False # Show branch data ts.show_branch_length = True ts.show_branch_support = True ts.layout_fn = diamond_layout return tr, ts
def _get_node_color(x, node, default_color): """ Retrieves color from dict, Series, str. Parameters ---------- x : dict or pd.Series or str Input color(s). node : ete.TreeNode Input tree. default_color: str The default color to set to if the color is not present in `x` Returns ------- str : The color for `node` bool : Indicates if the node color was found in `x` """ try: if isinstance(x, str): return x, True elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): return x.loc[], True elif isinstance(x, dict): return x[], True elif x is None: return "", False else: raise TypeError("color type %s not supported." % type(x).__name__) except KeyError: # Use default if the color isn't specified c = default_color return c, False