Source code for gneiss.sort

Sort functions (:mod:`gneiss.sort`)

.. currentmodule:: gneiss.sort

This module contains sorting functions that sort contingency tables
in addition to trees.


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2016--, gneiss development team.
# Distributed under the terms of the GPLv3 License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial
from gneiss.util import match

[docs]def mean_niche_estimator(abundances, gradient): r""" Estimates the mean niche along a gradient of an organism. Calculates the mean niche of an organism along a gradient. This is done by calculating the mean gradient values that an organism is observed in. Specifically, this module calculates the following .. math:: f(g , x) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^N g_i \frac{x_i}{\sum\limits_{j=1}^N x_j} Where :math:`N` is the number of samples, :math:`x_i` is the proportion of species :math:`x` in sample :math:`i`, :math:`g_i` is the gradient value at sample `i`. Parameters ---------- abundances : pd.Series, np.float Vector of fraction abundances of an organism over a list of samples. gradient : pd.Series, np.float Vector of numerical gradient values. Returns ------- np.float : The mean gradient that the organism lives in. Raises ------ ValueError: If the length of `abundances` is not the same length as `gradient`. ValueError: If the length of `gradient` contains nans. """ len_abundances = len(abundances) len_gradient = len(gradient) if len_abundances != len_gradient: raise ValueError("Length of `abundances` (%d) doesn't match the length" " of the `gradient` (%d)" % (len_abundances, len_gradient)) if np.any(pd.isnull(gradient)): raise ValueError("`gradient` cannot have any nans.") # normalizes the proportions of the organism across all of the # samples to add to 1. v = abundances / abundances.sum() m =, v) return m
[docs]def niche_sort(table, gradient, niche_estimator=mean_niche_estimator): """ Sort the table according to estimated niches. Sorts the table by samples along the gradient and otus by their estimated niche along the gradient. Parameters ---------- table : pd.DataFrame Contingency table where samples are rows and features (i.e. OTUs) are columns. gradient : pd.Series Vector of numerical gradient values. niche_estimator : function, optional A function that takes in two pandas series and returns an ordered object. The ability for the object to be ordered is critical, since this will allow the table to be sorted according to this ordering. By default, `mean_niche_estimator` will be used. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : Sorted table according to the gradient of the samples, and the niches of the organisms along that gradient. Raises ------ ValueError : Raised if `niche_estimator` is not a function. """ if not callable(niche_estimator): raise ValueError("`niche_estimator` is not a function.") table, gradient = match(table, gradient) niche_estimator = partial(niche_estimator, gradient=gradient) # normalizes feature abundances to sum to 1, for each sample. # (i.e. scales values in each row to sum to 1). normtable = table.apply(lambda x: x/x.sum(), axis=1) # calculates estimated niche for each feature est_niche = normtable.apply(niche_estimator, axis=0) gradient = gradient.sort_values() est_niche = est_niche.sort_values() table = table.reindex(index=gradient.index, columns=est_niche.index) return table
def _cache_ntips(tree): for n in tree.postorder(include_self=True): if n.is_tip(): n._n_tips = 1 else: n._n_tips = sum(c._n_tips for c in n.children) return tree
[docs]def ladderize(tree, ascending=True): """ Sorts tree according to the size of the subtrees. Parameters ---------- tree : skbio.TreeNode Input tree where leafs correspond to features. Returns ------- skbio.TreeNode A tree whose tips are sorted according to subtree size. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import TreeNode >>> tree =[u'((a,b)c, ((g,h)e,f)d)r;']) >>> print(tree.ascii_art()) /-a /c-------| | \-b -r-------| | /-g | /e-------| \d-------| \-h | \-f >>> sorted_tree = ladderize(tree) >>> print(sorted_tree.ascii_art()) /-a /c-------| | \-b -r-------| | /-f \d-------| | /-g \e-------| \-h """ sorted_tree = tree.copy() sorted_tree = _cache_ntips(tree) for n in sorted_tree.postorder(include_self=True): sizes = [k._n_tips for k in n.children] idx = np.argsort(sizes) if not ascending: idx = idx[::-1] n.children = [n.children[i] for i in idx] return sorted_tree
[docs]def gradient_sort(tree, gradient, ascending=True): """ Sorts tree according to ordering in gradient. Parameters ---------- tree : skbio.TreeNode Input tree where leafs correspond to features contained in the index in `gradient`. gradient : pd.Series, numeric Gradient where the index correspond to feature names. The index in the gradient must be consistent with names of the tips in the `tree`. Returns ------- skbio.TreeNode A tree whose tips are sorted along the gradient. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import TreeNode >>> import pandas as pd >>> tree =[u'((a,b)c, ((g,h)e,f)d)r;']) >>> x = pd.Series({'f':3, 'g':1, 'h':2, 'a':4, 'b':5}) >>> print(tree.ascii_art()) /-a /c-------| | \-b -r-------| | /-g | /e-------| \d-------| \-h | \-f >>> res = gradient_sort(tree, x) >>> print(res.ascii_art()) /-g /e-------| /d-------| \-h | | -r-------| \-f | | /-a \c-------| \-b """ sorted_tree = tree.copy() if not np.issubdtype(gradient, np.number): raise ValueError('`gradient` needs to be numeric, not %s' % gradient.dtype) # Note that this operation is not optimal # See for n in sorted_tree.postorder(include_self=True): means = [gradient.loc[list(k.subset())].mean() for k in n.children] idx = np.argsort(means) if not ascending: idx = idx[::-1] n.children = [n.children[i] for i in idx] return sorted_tree