Integrating Emperor’s JavaScript API with other applications

Emperor provides a rich API to manipulate the application live from the browser. The majority of this functionality is provided by attribute (Color, Visibility, Opacity, etc), or if needed the underlying THREE objects can be accessed as needed. For more information, the documentation for the EmperorController and other JavaScript classes can be accessed here.

In general, users won’t need to do low-level manipulation of visual aspects but instead would like to subscribe to specific events and act as needed. For these cases, Emperor provides access to the following events:

  • When a sample is clicked (click).
  • When a sample is double-clicked (dblclick).
  • When a group of samples is selected (select).
  • When the selected metadata category in a tab is changed (category-changed).
  • When an attribute for a group of samples is changed (for example when a metadata value’s color or visibility is changed) (value-changed).
  • When a group of samples is double-clicked via a tab (value-double-clicked).

Subscribing to Events from a 3rd Party application

For sample clicking, double-clicking and selection three special tags are provided for users to insert their custom code:

  • /*__click_callback*/: This callback receives an object with the sample that was clicked.
  • /*__dblclick_callback*/: This callback receives an object with the sample that was double-clicked.
  • /*__select_callback*/: This callback receives a list of the selected objects.

The rest of the callbacks are recommended to be written and inserted via the /*__custom_on_ready_code__*/. This code is executed once all the controllers have finished loading and can accept subscriptions to events.

The following example shows how we would subscribe to metadata category changes in the color tab, visibility values changing for a metadata value, and when a metadata value is double-clicked in the opacity table.

  console.log('Name of the event', container.type);
  console.log('Selected metadata category', container.message.category);

  // this is an instance of the color controller
  console.log('Attribute controller', container.message.controller);

  console.log('Name of the event', container.type);
  console.log('Selected category', container.message.category);

  // the new visibility attribute
  console.log('New attribute', container.message.attribute)

  // the group of samples affected by the change
  console.log('Group of samples',

  // this is an instance of the visibility controller
  console.log('Attribute controller', container.message.controller);

  console.log('Name of the event', container.type);

  // the attribute and name of the element that was double clicked
  console.log('Metadata group', container.message.category);
  console.log('Opacity value', container.message.attribute)

  // the group of samples that was double-clicked
  console.log('Group of samples',

  // this is an instance of the opacity controller
  console.log('Attribute controller', container.message.controller);

And in order to insert the custom code you can use Python’s string replacement operations:

viz = Emperor(...)

# custom JS - this example prints the name of the sample when that sample is
# clicked
html = str(viz).replace('/*__custom_on_ready_code__*/', 'console.log(sample)')