Source: scale-editor.js

 * SlickGrid shape editor and formatter.
 * @module SlickGridScale
function($, _, DecompositionView, ViewControllers) {
   * @class Scale
   * This class represents a range editor defined by the SlickGrid
   * project.
   * Note, this object is heavily based on classes in slick.editors.js and in
   * the documentation that can be found [here]{@link
   * @param {Object} args Arguments passed by SlickGrid.
   * @alias module:SlickGridScale.ScaleEditor
  function ScaleEditor(args) {
     * Node containing the jQuery slider
     * @type {Node}
    var $input;
     * Node containing the parent div holding the slider info
     * @type {Node}
    var $parentDiv;
     * Node containing the textbox for showing the slider value
     * @type {Node}
    var $viewval;
     * Initial value of the cell being edited.
     * @type {Float}
    var defaultValue;
    var scope = this;

    /* @constructor */
    this.init = function() {
      var pos = args.grid.getActiveCell();
      var metaColPos = args.grid.getCellNodeBox(pos.row, pos.cell + 1);
      var barLength = metaColPos.right - metaColPos.left - 14;

      // the controller type determines the ranges
      var columnName = args.grid.getColumns()[0].name, min, max, step;
      if (columnName === 'Opacity') {
        min = 0;
        max = 1;
        step = 0.05;
      else {
        min = 0.1;
        max = 5;
        step = 0.1;

      $parentDiv = $('<div style="flat:left;position:absolute;height:30px;' +
                     'width:' + barLength + 'px;z-index:1000">');
      $viewval = $('<input type="text" value="' + args.item.value +
                   '" readonly  style="border:0;width:25px;">');
      var $sliderDiv = $('<div style="width:' + barLength +
                         'px;display:inline-block;' +
                         'background-color:rgb(238, 238, 238)">');
      $input = $sliderDiv.slider({
        range: 'max',
        min: min,
        max: max,
        step: step,
        value: args.item.value,
        slide: function(event, ui) {
          args.item.value = ui.value;
        stop: function(event, ui) {
          // commit the changes as soon as a new shape is selected
      // $input.find(".ui-slider-range" ).css('background', '#70caff');
      $input.css('background', '#70caff');


      // Calculate the position for the parent div and add it to the view
      var container = $(args.container);
      $parentDiv.css('top', '5px');
      $parentDiv.css('left', container.width() + 5);

    this.destroy = function() {

    this.focus = function() {

    this.focusout = function() {

    this.isValueChanged = function() {
      return $viewval.val() !== defaultValue;

    this.serializeValue = function() {
      return $viewval.val();

    this.loadValue = function(item) {
      defaultValue = item[args.column.field];

    this.applyValue = function(item, state) {
      item[args.column.field] = state;

    this.validate = function() {
      return {valid: true, msg: null};


   * Function to format colors for the SlickGrid object.
   * This formatter is heavily based in the examples found in
   * slick.formattters.js and is only intended to be used with ScaleFormatter.
   * @param {integer} row SlickGrid row.
   * @param {integer} cell SlickGrid cell.
   * @param {integer|string|bool} value The value in the row.
   * @param {object} columnDef SlickGrid column definition.
   * @param {object} dataContext Data model of the SlickGrid object.
   * @return {string} String with a div where the background color is set as
   * the value that's passed in.
   * @alias module:SlickGridColors.ScaleFormatter
  function ScaleFormatter(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
    return "<div style='width:inherit;height:inherit;text-align:center;" +
           "cursor:pointer;'>" + value + '</div>';

  return {'ScaleEditor': ScaleEditor, 'ScaleFormatter': ScaleFormatter};