Source: color-editor.js

 * SlickGrid color editor and formatter.
 * @module SlickGridColors
function($, _, DecompositionView, ViewControllers, spectrum) {

   * @class ColorEditor
   * This class represents a color editor defined by the SlickGrid
   * project.
   * Note, this object is heavily based on classes in slick.editors.js and in
   * the documentation that can be found [here](
   * SlickGrid/wiki/Writing-custom-cell-editors).
   * Also see ColorFormatter, a function in charge of formatting colors for the
   * SlickGrid object.
   * @param {object} args Arguments passed by SlickGrid.
   * @constructs ColorEditor
   * @alias module:SlickGridColors.ColorEditor
  function ColorEditor(args) {
    var $input = $("<div class='colorbox'></div>");
    var defaultValue;
    var scope = this;

    this.init = function() {
      // make the background look exactly the same when the color is being
      // edited
      $(args.container).css('background-color', '#eeeeee');
      $input.css('background-color', args.item.value);

      // initialize spectrum
        color: args.item.color,
        showInput: true,
        allowEmpty: false,
        showInitial: true,
        clickoutFiresChange: true,
        className: 'full-spectrum',
        preferredFormat: 'hex6',
        // Show the whole set of color palette on the menu (only discrete)
        showPalette: args.grid.selectionPalette !== undefined,
        showSelectionPalette: args.grid.selectionPalette !== undefined,
        palette: args.grid.selectionPalette,

        /* On change callback */
        change: function(color) {
          $input.css('background-color', color.toHexString());

          // commit the changes as soon as a new shape is selected

      // Don't propagate the keydown and keypress events so that inputing a
      // color doesn't interfere with the shortcuts of the Jupyter Notebook
        .on('keydown keypress', function(e) {

    this.destroy = function() {

    this.focus = function() {

    this.isValueChanged = function() {
      return $input.spectrum('get').toHexString() !== defaultValue;

    this.serializeValue = function() {
      return $input.spectrum('get').toHexString();

    this.loadValue = function(item) {
      defaultValue = item[args.column.field];
      $input.spectrum('set', defaultValue);

    this.applyValue = function(item, state) {
      item[args.column.field] = state;

    this.validate = function() {
      return {valid: true, msg: null};

    this.hide = function() {
    }; = function() {
       * We setup a brief timeout that gives the browser enough time to finish
       * preparing the specturm widget. If we don't wait for 100 milliseconds,
       * opening the color picker will take two clicks. This is also a
       * consequence of spectrum initializing asynchronously, by the time
       * SlickGrid executes the show method the widget is not ready yet so the
       * 'spectrum('show')' call results in a noop, and in order to show the
       * color picker users would need to click again on the colorbox.
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 100);

    this.position = function(cellBox) {


   * Function to format colors for the SlickGrid object.
   * This formatter is heavily based in the examples found in
   * slick.formattters.js and is only intended to be used with ColorFormatter.
   * @param {integer} row SlickGrid row.
   * @param {integer} cell SlickGrid cell.
   * @param {integer|string|bool} value The value in the row.
   * @param {object} columnDef SlickGrid column definition.
   * @param {object} dataContext Data model of the SlickGrid object.
   * @return {string} String with a div where the background color is set as
   * the value that's passed in.
   * @alias module:SlickGridColors.ColorFormatter
  function ColorFormatter(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
    return "<div class='colorbox' style='cursor:pointer;background-color:" +
           value + ";'></div>";

  return {'ColorEditor': ColorEditor, 'ColorFormatter': ColorFormatter};